Advisory Board
Chair: Martin Spencer Martin Spencer is a speech pathologist sub-specializing in voice pathology and is an active singer . Martin has worked as a voice pathologist for fifteen years in Columbus, the last ten of which have been at Ohio ENT. |
Mara Behlau Mara Behlau, SLP, PhD, ASHA FELLOW, is the director of the Centro de Estudos da Voz - CEV, São Paulo, Brazil, where she coordinates a specialization program in voice for more than 30 years. She is also permanent professor at the Graduate Program in Human Communication Disorders at UNIFESP-EPM, São Paulo, Brazil and Affilliate Professor of “Communication of Business” at the INSPER, São Paulo. She was president of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics – IALP, president of the Brazilian Association of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology – SBFa and also president of the Brazilian Association of Laryngology and Voice - SBLV. |
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Carlos CalvacheCarlos A. Calvache Mora
Director en Vocology Center Fonoaudiólogo, Especialista en Vocología M.Sc. Comunicación-Educación |
Leslie Childs Lesley French Childs, M.D., has sung all her life. Once, as a high school choir singer in Austin, she grew hoarse and went to an otolaryngologist. The doctor used a scope to look at her vocal cords, then described what he saw (mild inflammation, it turned out). Photos on his wall showed performers he’d taken care of. “I thought, ‘That is what I want to do,’” Dr. Childs recalls, adding that she had wanted to be a doctor since early childhood. “It was the perfect marriage of my two passions.” Dr. Childs attended Yale University and then Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, where her classmates voted her the person they would most want as their own physician. During her residency in head and neck surgery at Vanderbilt, she won more awards for excellence. Dr. Childs then completed a specialty fellowship at the New York Center for Voice and Swallowing Disorders, where she often took call for the opera. In 2012, Dr. Childs returned to Texas, joining the faculty of UT Southwestern. She is Associate Professor of Laryngology, Neurolaryngology, and Professional Voice. Dr. Childs was recently appointed the Medical Director of the Clinical Center for Voice Care. Along with her colleague, Dr. Ted Mau, and four speech therapists, Dr. Childs cares for patients with vocal-fold disorders at the Clinical Center for Voice Care. |
Seth Dailey Dr. Dailey is certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology and is the Laryngology Fellowship program director. He specializes in voice, airway and swallowing disorders. He also has expertise in professional and performing voice disorders, laryngeal cancer, laryngeal premalignancy, spasmodic dysphonia, laryngeal tremor, vocal cord paralysis, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, airway stenosis, and dysphagia. |
Kate DeVore With a theatre and singing background, and as the first graduate of the Vocology program, Kate has forged a hybrid path for the last 25 years working as a voice and speech therapist as well as a theatre voice, speech, and dialect coach. She serves as voice and dialect coach for theatrical productions, teaches at The School at Steppenwolf , Columbia College Chicago, and Acting Studio Chicago, and operates a private coaching practice (Total Voice, Inc.) in which she provides voice and speech therapy, dialect coaching, accent modification, and voice and speech coaching to clients ranging from actors to teachers to executives. |
Laurier Fagnan |
Marco Guzman Dr. Guzman is a voice pathologist and singer with more than fifteen years of clinical and academic experience. He received his Ph.D. in Vocology from the University of Tampere, Finland. He also holds a certification in vocology from the University of Iowa and National Center for Voice and Speech (USA). Dr. Guzman joined the faculty at the Universidad de los Andes, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in 2018 following a 15-year academic career at the University of Chile. He also works as a clinician in the Department of Otolaryngology, Las Condes Clinic, Chile. |
Lynn Helding Lynn Helding serves as Associate Professor of Vocal Pedagogy and studio voice teacher at Thornton School of Music. Ms. Helding was elected to head the founding of the first non-profit vocology association, PAVA. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Singing and creator/author of the journal’s “Mindful Voice” column, which illuminates current research in the cognitive, neuro- and social sciences as they relate to music teaching, learning and performance, topics which form the core of her forthcoming book, "The Mindful Musician: Teaching, Learning and Performing in the Age of Brain Science." She is in demand as a master voice teacher and popular lecturer on cognitive topics at universities, conferences and workshops across the United States and Canada. |
Jack Jiang Born, raised and graduated from Fudan University Medical School in Shanghai. After 2 years of ENT residency, I moved to the US in 1985 and received my Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 1991. Now I am a professor in voice research at the University of Wisconsin Madison. I have published over 260 original manuscripts in the area of the physiological and biomechanical mechanisms of voice production as well as developing related instrumentation for normal and pathological voice assessment. I am an ASHA fellow actively working on academic services including editor for JSLHR-Speech, the advisory board for the Voice Foundation, and the editorial board for the Laryngoscope. |
Edrie Means Weekly |
Fermin Zubiaur El Dr. Fermín Zubiaur se graduó como Médico Cirujano de la Universidad Panamericana (UP). Posteriormente, cursó la Especialidad en Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello en el Hospital Español de México con aval por la Universidad La Salle (ULSA), así como la Subespecialidad en Laringología (Medicina y Cirugía para los Trastornos de la Voz) en la Clínica de la Voz del Dr. James P. Thomas en Portland Oregon. |